Thursday, February 15, 2018

How to make a hairline according to the shape of the face



Is it in the middle or next? This is one of the most common questions women ask when we think of changing the look and choosing the haircut or styling that suits us and by which we look much prettier. It is possible to clarify these doubts easily and choose the best option considering the face shape, because based on that we can comb the line in the place that best suits our facial features. Keep reading and discover in this article how to make hairline according to face shape. You will look amazing!

Round face
Women with round faces are characterized by the same width width, with prominent cheeks, which give sensation to facial fat. For this reason, the goal when choosing haircut or hair styling should try to improve facial features and set the face to look thinner.

In this way, a round face would be much preferable with a very close line that would arrange and soften facial features. Long edges, sides and ruffles are recommended, discarding otherwise the lines in the center and the straight parts that will highlight the surface of the face.

With a side line, you can wear haircuts and hair styles that help you stretch your face; Among the best choices are the lazy and long mane under the shoulders, the fashionable bob bob, the candied loose with the waves in the opposite direction from the hairline or the pigtail and the collected bottom.

If you also want to know what makeup tricks can make your face look thinner, do not miss the tip of the article. How to make round face.

Square face
Angelina Jolie or Keira Knightley is a famous woman who has a square face, this characteristic is a very sharp angular jaw, forehead wide enough and four straight angles completely.

In this case, it is best to choose pieces and hair styles that soften the facial features, with movement and volume at the top of the head to hide the hardness and shape of the chin angle. For this reason, it is also advisable to use the hairline sideways with long edges, but always try to make the forehead look balancing the face. Among the most appropriate hairstyles for a square face, the highlight is a mane with big waves, multi-layer pieces, asymmetrical long bobs, avoid options that stay on the top of the chin.

Find ways to improve and soften this type of face even more, by reading the How to create a square face article.

Oval face
The oval face is considered a perfect face, and the width and length are fully provided. In particular, they can be distinguished by presenting slightly wider cheekbones, medium-sized forehead and thin jaw. All this means that women who have this shape can be brave with almost all haircuts, as most flatter.

You can choose either the line on the side or very cocked, like the line in the middle. The latter is great for oval faces, because by dividing it into two parts, women who have completely symmetrical and balanced faces are much better. Of course, in the case that the forehead is large, it is easier to reckon that the lines in the center will increase in size.

Although you have a great gift to be able to wear the haircut you like, if you want to find the clothes you want more attractive and tailored to the latest fashions, then do not miss the ones we proposed in Cortes article. hair for oval face.

Heart face
The heart or inverted triangle of the face is different from the others by presenting the high cheekbones and the upper uniform parts, tapered away in the area of ​​the chin, which looks a spiky shape.

The most suitable hairline for this type of face is the deep lateral line, which is closer to the ear than the center of the forehead. With that, it is possible to disguise the chin line and tip shape, as well as soften the facial features in general. To show off and see yourself well liked, there is an amazing choice combed with loose hair and with large or defined waves, to your taste. You can see how to wave hair in articles How to make waves in hair with iron or How to make waves in hair without heat.

Long face
Is your face elongated like Sarah Jessica Parker or Julia Roberts? This woman has a thin and thin face marked with a wide forehead, marked cheekbones and a very elongated chin. The goal is to try to really correct that length, paying more attention to the cheek area to achieve better balance.

Because the line in the middle gives greater roundness, this is undoubtedly the best option so the face does not look so elongated. Likewise, they feel a large haircut at the top of the chin, hair style with volume to the side, the waves and edges are abundant and thick.