In this article we will explain the basic physical principles of why and how phones work, these devices are featured in the 80s in the United States and that have revolutionized the communication system. Read carefully to find out how mobile works.
Steps to follow:
1. Each cell has a base station consisting of a tower and a small building containing radio equipment.
2. Each cell in an analog system uses one seventh of the existing voice channels. That is, one cell, plus six cells surrounding it in a hexagonal arrangement, each using one seventh of the existing channels so that each cell has a unique and non-collision frequency group:
3. Cellular service providers usually receive 832 radio frequencies for use in the city.
4. The phone uses two frequencies per call, so there are usually 395 voice channels per signal carrier. (The remaining 42 frequencies are used as control channels). Therefore, each cell has about 56 available voice channels.
5. The phone has a low power transmitter in it. Many phones have two signal strengths: 0.6 watts and 3.0 watts (as a comparison, most civil radio bands transmit at 4 watts). The central station also transmits at low power. Low-power transmitters have two advantages.
6. Transmission centers and phones in the same cell do not leave this one. Therefore, each cell can reuse the same 56 frequencies through the city.
7. The power consumption of mobile phones, which generally work with batteries, is relatively low. Low power means smaller battery.
8. Phone technology requires a large number of bases or stations in cities of various sizes. A big city can have hundreds of towers. Every city needs to have a central office that manages all telephone connections to conventional phones, and controls all stations in the region.