Thursday, February 15, 2018

How to change your appearance radically - tip for women


Display change can be a very useful tool in many situations. Some people choose it at certain times in their lives when they need to introduce changes that are reflected outside, or even manifest it internally that change has taken place and show it through physical appearance. It is also used to help overcome complicated situations and difficulties such as separation in a love relationship.

There are also people who think that changing the look of this type needs to be done at any time, especially if you work in public. There are various ways to achieve total change in appearance and therefore we must take into account the various aspects that can shape it, from hair styles to clothing.

How to Change Hairstyle
One of the most important aspects when it comes to changing the look radically is the hairstyle. Both the color and the way hair is cut can mean the total transformation of one's appearance. That is why it is recommended if you want a radical display change to go to a stylist or hairdresser who can recommend a very profitable and radical change.

Especially suggested in this case is to choose to change the hair tone. You can start with some light shades rather than natural natural tones, in the case of dark-haired or dark-haired people. If you have a tone that is too dark, you can think of switching to a lighter color, and if you have a very clear hair tone, you can choose to try brown or black, depending on the color of the face and the color of the skin.

In the case of a haircut, if you have long hair it is advisable to try a haircut that is quite striking and make a flatter hair style considering the face shape. If you already have short hair you can try cutting bangs or doing multilayered hairstyles, if both face and type of hair you allow. If you need some hints, other articles about what hairstyle I like can help you.

How to change how to dress
Another key to a change in appearance looks radically precisely introducing modifications in the closet. If you are accustomed to wearing dark or neutral colors, such as blacks, whites and grays, it is advisable to choose garments of more striking colors, such as red or electric blue, which can also be combined with the brightest colors. neutral

For that the only thing to dress in bright colors, a way to get a change of look will combine more neutral wardrobe closets, a bit more formal and conscious, to get a slimmer look.

Completeness is also a very important part of achieving radical change of appearance. Shoes, handbags, hair accessories, jewelry ... This type of clothing is the key to making a difference.

Changing sneakers or low heeled boots from time to time with high or medium heels produces visual changes to a very important figure. Using a bag that is more elegant, with metallic ornaments also help give the impression of more fresh and younger. And if it is not unusual to wear any accessory on the hair it is advisable to choose to start wearing a fork with appliques or a headband.

How to change the way you wear makeup
To achieve radical change of appearance, you also have to take into account the way you wear makeup. If it's not a habit, it's a good time to start applying some cosmetics, as this will be a pretty noticeable change. It is recommended to start with makeup, light touch of blush or rouge and soft lip tones. If you also want to make your eyes, it is advisable to use 'eyeliner' to paint lines on both eyes and some touch of mascara to extend it slightly. If you do not usually create, we recommend this article on Tricks to create.

If you want to get a more striking touch it is advisable to add eye shadows, a more neutral tone if this is a daily makeup, and a more striking tone if for a special occasion, for dinner or a party.

You can also use lip tones that focus attention to the mouth, such as intense red or roses, but always take into account the tone of the skin.