Sunday, August 27, 2017

How to grow hair with castor oil


How to grow hair with castor oil - Castor oil obtained from the fruit of plant distance, through its pressing and repairs. It is a spruce plant belonging to the spurge family and native to Central Africa, but is now cultivated in many areas with warm climates. This fluid is traditionally used as a medicinal drug to treat various diseases and conditions.
However, this oil for various properties, is also used Aesthetically, especially for the growth of care and hair. In this article, we detailed how hair with castor oil to grow step by step and also we explain the benefits of different capillaries.

1. Before starting this step, it's important to know the benefits of castor oil for hair:

  • It is rich in ricinoleic acid, a type of omega-9 that contains strong antibacterial and antifungal combat excess sebum and dandruff in the hair fiber properties.
  • Thanks to fatty acids, it also has moisturizing properties that moisturize and increase our hair volume. In addition, these properties can reduce dry hair.
  • It has regenerative properties that prevent hair loss and promote, thus, growth. In addition it strengthens the hair and increases its thickness.
  • It also has properties that promote blood circulation, which stimulate the scalp.
  • Castor oil is so nutritious that it improves hair appearance, restores and prevents split ends.
  • Finally, your application will also give us more shine and softness of our hair.

2. To prepare castor oil, we need the following tools:

  • 3 tablespoons castor oil
  • Jojoba oil 1 tablespoon
  • Coconut oil 1 tablespoon
  • 3 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 1 cup jar

3. The first step is put in a bowl or container, 3 tablespoons castor oil and mix with 1 tablespoon jojoba oil and other lard or coconut oil. castor oil is too thick and, therefore, using two other liquids for this is more easily diluted. In addition, both jojoba and coconut, have properties that stimulate hair growth and also moisturize our scalp deeply.

4. The next step is to add to the whole mixture about 2 or 3 drops of peppermint essential oil. We use it just to give it a more pleasant odor to fix because the distance usually has an unpleasant odor. If you do not like mint you can add other aromatic oils like rosemary oil, tea tree, etc.

5. Poured, with the aid of a sieve, the entire mixture for glass bottles has a closing cover available. When tightly closed, shake for a few minutes so that it is well blended.

6. Now, you have to fill the bowl with very hot water before and put the jar closed in it. Thus, the oil will be finished diluted and the implementation will be easier. Make sure the water is not more than or equal to the jar, because if you put water, and the mixture will not help. Let the oil warm for 2 or 4 minutes.
When the oil is heated, I throw it in a dye bowl to make the application easier. Instead of a bowl, you can also use a dropper bottle.

7. It's time to use castor oil to grow hair. For your application, you should only moisturize the scalp, which you can get with the help of a spray hot water fill.

8. When the scalp is wet, you should take the mixture with your fingers and massage the hair area with castor oil 3 to 5 minutes. Massage to effectively stimulate the scalp, you should make a smooth movement in the circle.
Now you have to apply oil all over your hair. To do this, again a little wet hands into the mix and then insert your finger through her hair, as if you were combing.

9. When you have finished applying medicine to grow hair, cover with shower cap, then you should wrap it all up with a towel that has been soaked in hot water. Now you have to wait from 30 minutes to 3 hours or even sleep with a turban. After passing time, remove all oil wells and wash your hair as usual.
This drug is effective, you should use 1 to 2 times per week.