Sex should always be kept safely, and one of the best contraceptives is a condom because it serves the dual function of preventing unwanted pregnancies and preventing infectious diseases or sexually transmitted infections. However, there are people who prefer not to use risking their health or because they have a stable partner with whom is sure that no risk is taken.
On many occasions, denial of condoms is given by the difference in enjoyment experienced compared to when not used during sexual acts. But how does it feel to have sex without a condom ?, we will explain it to you whether you are male or female.
One of the main reasons why many people refuse to use condoms in their sexual relations is because they say they feel unhappy. However, this is not always the case. In fact, there are many prophylactic brand surveys that have devoted themselves to analyzing this topic. The results vary.
And there are people who say they feel uncomfortable using condoms during their sexual encounters, while others say they do not notice the big difference and, for other couples, the experience is just as much fun. This is possible because the pleasure is more in the head than in the body of each.
Now, there are exceptions. Sometimes, especially in the case of women, they tend to enjoy more relaxed and relaxed by eliminating the fear of unwanted pregnancy or having gynecological problems due to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
Anyway, today, there are various kinds of condoms, which have been significantly improved to provide a better experience and it does not detract from pleasure. In fact, condoms tend to be thinner - without any reduction in this protection, to have stretch marks or dots and more lubricated so as not to notice the body fluid difference of the couple. Different lubricating and gel sensations have also been developed to increase heat or have more moisture sensations, etc. It's all about trying the most appropriate for each pair. In the following article, we show what types of condoms can be bought.
What do men feel when having sex without a condom?
The sensation that men feel when having sex without a condom can be different from that experienced by a woman. In men, in general, prophylaxis results in greater rejection. The main thing is to reduce the pleasure they feel when not directly related to the vagina or anus, in case of anal intercourse.
When condoms are not used, men pay attention to the vaginal moisture of the partner, even from the greater heat, which gives more joy and more pleasurable penetration. This same sensation is experienced when oral sex is also done without a condom.
In addition, the man notices a larger erection when in direct contact with his partner's body, so the pleasure does not go down at any time during the sexual encounter or due to stop putting condoms. Acceleration of ejaculation can also occur due to this greater excitation.
If the problem has to stop and the loss of an erection to place the condom, there is a solution because you can find a more erotic and sensual way to place it, such as prolonging the condom with your mouth.
What do women feel when having sex without a condom?
A woman who loves without a condom feels, in general the same sensation as a man. That is, pleasure can be intensified by direct contact with the skin of the penis and with regard to heat.
Differences are felt in women's feelings in relation to semen. Some people realize that they notice the ejaculation moment and the man's semen inside, while others claim to be unaware of it. This does not indicate a problem. This is a skin sensitivity problem of that area. Also, the fact that you are not sitting at all does not mean that semen is not felt in other sexual acts.