Thursday, February 8, 2018

How to transfer audio from PC to TV


While the sound level on your laptop or desktop PC may be high, the overall range of sound on TV is usually much higher. To take advantage of this sound, connect the computer directly to your TV, but if you do, you must have a TV and a computer with a slot for an HDMI cable.

You will need:
 HDMI cable

Steps to follow:

1. Turn off the computer. The equipment must be completely turned off when connecting the cable.

2. Find an HDMI slot on your computer. In the tower unit, there is a rear. On laptops, slots are more likely to be next to a USB slot.

3. Insert one end of the HDMI cable into the HDMI slot on the computer. Place the second HDMI slot on the back of your TV.

4. Insert the HDMI cable into the HDMI cable slot on the TV.

5.Use your remote control to change the TV channel to "HDMI" (the method to do this depends on the right model, see the manual or contact the TV manufacturer to see detailed information).

6. Turn on the computer. Now you can see the pictures that are on your computer, and listen to the sounds that accompany them, on the television.

If your computer has only one DVI port, purchase a DVI cable to HDMI. This lets you perform the same process, but you must connect the end of the DVI cable to the DVI port on your computer, and the HDMI edge to the TV.