Tuesday, November 28, 2017

How To Save Eggs Safely


Eggs are foods that can be obtained throughout the year. Eggs contain many nutrients. It is rich in proteins, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, making it a healthy meal that provides the body with many benefits.

Safe way to save eggs: A safe way to save eggs
should be followed to help prevent the spread of bacteria that are present inside eggs and peel so you can follow the following tips:

- Test the period of validity of eggs:
can be tested the validity of eggs in order to ensure their ability to eat before the conservation, and this by placing two cups of water in a pot and put the egg inside, where if the egg reached the bottom of the container is a fresh egg while If it remains in the middle, it means that it is 3 to 4 weeks old, but if it floats on the surface it is not edible.

The eggs can be preserved in a different way by breaking them and placing them inside a dish. If the egg yolk remains separate from the egg, this indicates that the egg is edible, while the yolk and the whites are mixed with each other. This means that the egg is rotten and can not be eaten.

- Keep the eggs in a cool place:
The eggs should be placed in a cool and dry place so it is best to be left in the refrigerator where it is the most appropriate place to save eggs, and the eggs must be at a constant temperature below 20 degrees Celsius.

- Keep eggs away from other foods:
Eggs should be kept away from all other foods so they can be placed in their refrigerator if they are available, as they are assembled in a designated place away from other foods.

- cooling leftover foods that contain eggs:
If the person eating food includes ingredients eggs, it must immediately be addressed after the completion of the preparation, but if the person did not end the full meal must be cooled immediately by saving inside the refrigerator so that no More than two days in the refrigerator.

- Add some salt to the egg yolk before storing:
If the person used egg whites to prepare foods or sweets and left the egg yolks but wanted to keep it for later, it should put a little salt on the yolk and then keep it inside the freezer Until it freezes for use.

- Do not keep the boiled eggs for a long time refrigerator:
If the person to keep the eggs boiled inside the refrigerator, it is wrong to be left for long periods where it should not exceed the presence of more than two or three days at most.

Important notes:
Sometimes white spots appear on the eggs, which some think is evidence that the egg has been spoiled, but this is not true, as these points indicate the explosion of the blood vessel inside the egg during its formation, so these points are considered to be the signs that This egg is fresh and good.

If the white egg color and yellow, misty or green color changes, it is the result of CO 2, which can not get out of the egg and crust for lack of time, which means that the egg is fresh and edible.