Tuesday, November 28, 2017

How To Differentiate Between Ivory And Bone


Ivory is one of the most valuable materials that are usually obtained illegally by now. Many artists try to make fake ivory from bones to form the same and similar to the real ivory, making it difficult to distinguish between ivory and bone.

Methods of differentiation between the ivory and bone: 
First: the detection of the advantages of real ivory Real ivory
features some features that make it different from the bones, as it is known for its density and weight, so can be tested by the hand and feel the weight of the weight of the hand, where If a person feels the strength and strength of the ivory, it is more likely to be an original piece of ivory, but sometimes the bones are too heavy to be compared to other pieces made of ivory.

The fingers can be passed on the ivory to feel the touch and reveal it. The ivory is characterized by its soft, butter-like texture, but it does not have the same texture, but it can be sculpted very easily like butter, so if the person feels that The piece is not smooth and full of holes. It is likely not to be an original piece of ivory, but if it is very smooth it can be real.

The magnifying glass can be used to make sure of the reality of the existing piece of plaster. The outer surface and the outer membrane of the piece are examined and certain things are confirmed. The original ivory has a bright and beautiful appearance, but it has a thin yellow layer. It's surface over the years where it will be noticed the presence of some dark spots on the surface of the piece.

You should also look at the cross lines on the piece, where lines should appear parallel to the length of the piece, and there should also be other orthogonal lines on the first lines, to appear as a letter V and call these lines the name of "lines Schreger", and from Can be observed on ivory ivy and mammoth, as well as the presence of bone marrow or minor scratches if found, it is evidence that it is a piece of bone .

Second: Hot Pin Testing
This test can be done to detect the fact that the pin is heated by passing it on a candle flame or lightening it. Make sure it is well shot and the pin can be replaced with a metal piece. The best option to do this test, the pin is placed in a specific spot of the piece of ivory and then that spot is sniffed.

If the denture is real, it will not smell any new, but if it is made from the bones it will smell a light smell similar to the smell of burning hair, nor does this experience any harm to the original ivory because it has the strength and strength and can resist heat, but if The piece was made of plastic and will show a longitudinal spindle that will damage this piece.

Third: Using a specialist to test the piece
An antique trader can be used to check the piece of ivory and make sure it is genuine. There are some tools with antique dealers that can distinguish between the original ivory and bone, but the dealer should be searched for. Good and well-reputed, or find an ivory place to make sure you get the most accurate information.

A chemical scientist can be used to examine the piece by placing it under a chemical test. This is considered to be the best solution to eliminate all uncertainties and to ensure that the components of the piece are accurate. Chemical tests can identify the cell structure of an ivory And so separate them from the cellular structure of bones.