Tuesday, November 28, 2017

All Types Of Refrigerators And Maintenance

 No one can imagine his life without a refrigerator without milk, cold drinks, chilled water, ice cream, and food and vegetables.
The idea of working the refrigerator: The idea and method of working the refrigerator on the idea of cooling the air inside the refrigerator through the use of laws and systems of physics, absorbs heat away from liquids and converted by the gas situation in the form of cold steam cooling process. Single Door Refrigerator Faults 5-9-10-11 feet:
- Sometimes its sound is high during operation and this is caused by vibration in the Freon capacitor pipes and can be maintained and disposal of high sound by adjusting the condenser pipes from the back.

- You may sometimes notice a vibration in the refractory tube and it is maintained by adjusting the return tube.

- When you notice that the motor vibrates, adjust the motor position.

- Sometimes you find that the motor Bluff only change the motor (piston).

- Suddenly you find that there is no cooling of the freezer is often the reason for the lack of electricity, set the cable with a pinch.

- When the thermostat is not working and its only maintenance is to change the thermostat.

- If the motor does not work, change the group.

- If you notice a gas leak with a blockage in the gas circuit just charges the refrigerator.

- If the refrigerator does not separate and operate continuously and cooling well, the faults of the thermostat do not work, change the thermostat.

- If there is a leak of water at the bottom of the refrigerator then it is diagnosed as a defect in the insulator and the insulation is supplied.

- You may notice that part of the freezer cools and the other part does not cool and the reason is the irregularity of thermostat and thermostat is changed.

- You may find electricity whenever you touch the refrigerator from the outside, that it has a short circuit and this defect in the thermostat and repair by changing the thermostat.

- If there is a hole in the freezer it is in this form damaged and must be changed.

Defrost refrigerators 12 feet of all types:

- Sometimes you find some vibration in the fumigation dish just adjusts the position of the fumigation dish.

- The Sound of a high-intensity fan or with a strange sound only Adjust the condenser fan or change the fan fan fan.

- If the cab is not cooled, it indicates a clear leakage of gas.

- In the case of an unclear leak, a change is made to the cabin and the freight.

- suddenly you may find that the cooling has become severe and will continue to work without separating. Set the thermostat mode or change the thermostats.

- When you touch the refrigerator from the outside of the hatch, you notice that the heat is very hot caused by the ventilation is not a good place and put the refrigerator in a well-ventilated place.

- There is a leakage of water inside the cab that indicates a blockage in the drain hole and the cleaning of the drainage hole is done.

- There is a weakness in the volt measure the voltage.

- If there is leaking water from behind the refrigerator, it indicates that there is a defect in the fumigation dish and the discharge hose is adjusted or the fumigation dish is changed.

The snow may be frozen in the freezer door, or the rubber or the freezer door may be completely changed.

Faults in non-power refrigerators in all capacity:

- Occurrence of a break in the ventilator fan change the ventilator fan

- The Sound in the freezer fan Adjust the sound or change the feather.

- When you notice that there is no cooling in the cab and freezer, it indicates that the freezer fan is not working and the freezer fan is set up, the bulb key is operated, the fan is turned on, the fan is changed or the fan is changed.

- If there is leakage of water from inside the cab, the cause may be a blockage in the discharge hole of the water and the drainage hole is adjusted or a change is made in the cab.

- If it is noticed that the refrigerator is tilting forward, try adjusting the refrigerator mode.

- There is heavy snow in the freezer leads to the obstruction in the movement of the fan only change the timing of the solubility, or change the heater, or change the Tharmudisk.